

South Region Self-Advocacy Network (SRSAN) is a safe space for people with developmental disabilities to discover their voice and find inspiration to make changes in their communities.


Who is SRSAN?

Self Advocates gather in Lethbridge, AB, to demonstrate community and raise awareness.

SRSAN is an advocacy group for people with and without disabilities to come together and create positive change within their communities. Based in Lethbridge, Alberta, the SRSAN community stretches across Southern Alberta with groups in Medicine Hat, Brooks and more. SRSAN is made up of community leaders who celebrate diversity, educate themselves and others, and work together toward a better future. With the support of SAIPA, SRSAN quickly became the largest self-advocacy group in Alberta.

SRSAN has a number of committees that help them get important work done! SRSAN’s committees include:

  • Conference Planning

  • Advocacy

  • Code of Ethics

  • Citizen Walk About

  • And More!

What is Self-Advocacy?

Self-advocacy is asking for the things you need and openly discussing your thoughts, ideas and feelings with others. It’s about speaking up about the things that are important to you and standing up for what you believe in. Self-advocacy is knowing your rights and responsibilities, speaking-up for your rights, and making educated and thought out decisions that affect your life and your community.


Our Vision

SRSAN is a united voice for people with different abilities that brings inspiration and opportunity to achieve.

Our Values

Voice – We speak together about issues affecting the disability community.

Education – We share our talents and ideas to teach all communities about what we can do.

Team/Group Connection – We respect each other and work together as a team. 

Relationship – We work with all individuals, groups, and government to work toward change.

Learning – We seek opportunities for learning, self-improvement, and growth as a group.

Commitment – We are committed to doing our best and sharing the responsibility as we work towards our vision.

Our Mission

We are community leaders who celebrate diversity, educate ourselves and others, and work toward a better future.

Where SRSAN Meets

SRSAN currently meets in the following Southern Alberta communites:

  • Lethbridge

  • Medicine Hat

  • Brooks

  • Taber

  • Crowsnest Pass


Our History

In 2001, 38 people were able to take the Leadership course given by The Leadership Today Society of Alberta. Those people and the PDD South Board met in September to talk about future meetings. Everyone believed that a regional group should continue to meet, and SRSAN was formed! SRSAN has been very involved with the community and self-advocacy work ever since, hosting self-advocacy conferences every 2 years and meeting every 3 months, rotating between several Southern Alberta communities. Click below to learn more about the history of SRSAN!



Who are the SRSAN Board?

The SRSAN Board is the elected members that carry out the mission, vision, and goals of SRSAN. They are elected by the voting members of SRSAN. The Board volunteers their time and do not get paid for the job that they do. The expenses of the SRSAN Board are paid for and they do not have to pay for things like a hotel room, or renting a van to get to a meeting. Only self-advocates can be on the SRSAN board. Ally’s are not allowed to be on the SRSAN board.


What positions are on the SRSAN Board?

The SRSAN Board shall be elected representatives of the general membership, empowered by the membership to make executive decisions.

Who can be on the SRSAN Board?

Any person that has taken the Leadership Today training and/or Board meeting training or previous community board experience with at least 2 years’ experience and has paid his/her SRSAN membership can be on the Board.

The Board will consist of:

  • Chairperson

  • Vice Chairperson

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Liaison Position

  • and up to a maximum of three (3) Directors

Board Positions


  • Leads the meetings of the network

  • Makes sure the SRSAN Board and network follows its guidelines

  • Gets the network’s agenda ready, with ideas from the members

  • Supports members to take part in meetings and activities

  • Keeps the member’s discussion on the topic

  • Reminds the members about what it must do to make sure the network sticks to its mission (a mission is something that tells everyone what the network or organization stands for and means to do)

  • Welcomes new members and introduces guest speakers

  • Thanks members for the things they do for the network

  • Talks to members if they have not carried out their work and lets them know if they are no longer allowed to be on the SRSAN Board or network

  • Signs letters and important papers

  • Plays a big role in getting funds for the network

  • Tells the community about what the network does

  • Prepares a report for the annual meeting held each year

  • Helps the next chairperson learn the job



  • Keeps copies of the network’s guidelines

  • Keeps lists of the SRSAN Board, committees and members

  • Tells members when there will be a meeting

  • Keeps record of which members come to the meetings

  • Brings minutes to the meetings (minutes are records of what has been discussed or agreed to at board or network meetings)

  • Takes minutes of meetings and keeps copies

  • Keeps a record of all motions and decisions at meetings

  • Sends copies of minutes to members after the meeting

  • Signs and sends out important papers of the network

  • Trains the new secretary



  • Participates in SRSAN executive meetings to help make decisions

  • Participates on SRSAN committees and reports back to SRSAN executive

  • Assists with developing leadership lessons for SRSAN meetings

  • Goes to the SRSAN board meetings to help plan the agenda for the network meeting

  • Assist at SRSAN meetings with clean-up and organization


Vice Chairperson:

  • Takes on the job of the chairperson when he or she is not there. The Vice Chairperson does everything that the Chairperson would do if he/she were there. If the Chairperson is absent, the Vice Chairperson needs to know about the Chairperson’s duties. He or she should learn about the parts of the meeting and how to lead the meeting.

  • Helps the Chairperson in the meetings when asked

  • Goes to the SRSAN Board meeting to help plan the agenda for the Network meeting

  • Goes to the Network meetings. If he or she is not able to go, he or she should let the Chairperson know before the meeting.



  • Takes care of all the banking duties.

  • Gives reports to the board and the network about how much money the network has.

  • Keeps reports about money on file, so others can read them when they want.

  • Signs cheques and other important papers.

  • Provides input into money-making decisions of the Network.

  • Make withdrawals and deposits of money into the bank account.

  • Writing and signing cheques.

  • Will take part in fundraising activities of the Network.

  • Will assist in collecting conference/workshop registration fees.

  • Helps the next Treasurer learn the job.


SAIPA/SRSAN Board Position

  • Brings information back and forth between SIAPA and SRSAN

  • Works with Advocacy Coordinator to develop SRSAN update for SAIPA board meetings

  • Works with Executive Director to develop SAIPA update for SRSAN meetings

  • Participates in SRSAN executive meetings to help make decisions

  • Participates on SRSAN committees and reports back to SRSAN executive

  • Assists with developing leadership lessons for SRSAN meetings

  • Helps plan the agenda for the SRSAN meetings

  • Assists at SRSAN meetings with clean-up, set-up and organization

  • Helps to train the new person in the liaison position